Since 2022 there has been a common theme among Republicans in NE Florida.  That theme has been echoed across local, state and federal elections.  The theme has been to “Stop Overdevelopment” or “Slow the growth”.  2 newly elected county commissioners in Saint Johns County (Ann Taylor and Clay Murphy) used this as the bedrock of their campaign.  This was also echoed by local “kingmaker” Lisa Gaglianese and Flagler County Republican board member Nick DeSantis.  Current Flagler County Comissioner Leann Pennington also used a “slow the growth” message during her 2022 campaign.  2x State Senate candidate Gerry James also campaigned heavily on the issue.

Fast forward to 2024 and enter Trump endorsed candidate Randy Fine has entered the congressional race for Florida CD-6.  Fine is a newly elected state senator and former Florida House member.  Randy Fine is also a fundraising machine, generating over 250k for his Senate campaign.  Randy Fine is also heavily financially supported by developers.  Were NE Florida Republicans serious about stopping overdevelopment or was it simply a campaign slogan meant to attack an emotional vulnerability among prospective voters?  It can only be assumed that if these same loud voices do not oppose Fine’s candidacy with the same fervor that they supported their own candidates, it was nothing more than lip service.

I am enclosing a sample of Fine’s developer and real estate PAC donations taken directly from the Florida Secretary of State website.  This list is not inclusive but is merely a sampling of who Randy Fine is.

06/06/2024         1,000.00 CHE MAGNOLIA 1225 ASSOCIATES LLC             1915 MORRIS AVENUE                       UNION, NJ 07083                                                        
10/04/2024         1,000.00 CHE REALTORS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE FLOR 7025 AUGUSTA NATIONAL DRIVE              ORLANDO, FL 32822                        POLITICAL COMMITTEE                                               POLITICAL COMMITTEE                      
10/04/2024         1,000.00 CHE REALTORS POLITICAL ADVOCACY COMMITTEE    7025 AUGUSTA NATIONAL DRIVE              ORLANDO, FL 32822                        POLITICAL COMMITTEE                      
08/01/2024         1,000.00 CHE REALTORS POLITICAL ADVOCACY COMMITTEE    7025 AUGUSTA NATIONAL DRIVE              ORLANDO, FL 32822                       
06/06/2024         1,000.00 CHE FAIRBANKS 743 ASSOCIATES LLC             1915 MORRIS AVENUE                       UNION, NJ 07083                          REAL ESTATE   POLITICAL COMMITTEE
01/08/2024         1,000.00 CHE FECI COMPANY LLC                         700 NW 1ST AVENUE SUITE 1620             MIAMI, FL 33136                          REAL ESTATE                                                    
01/08/2024         1,000.00 CHE FECI HOLDING CORP.                       700 NW 1ST AVENUE SUITE 1620             MIAMI, FL 33136                          REAL ESTATE & TRANSP
05/22/2024         1,000.00 CHE LSCRB INC                                18851 NE 29TH AVENUE STE 100             AVENTURA, FL 33180                       REAL ESTATE
02/23/2023         1,000.00 CHE PENCE ROY                                3160 DIXIE HWY NE                        PALM BAY, FL 32905                       REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER
10/17/2024         1,000.00 CHE STRATHSPEY HOLDINGS LLC                  124 TOMAHAWK DRIVE                       INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH, FL 32937           REAL ESTATE
08/01/2024         1,000.00 CHE APARTMENT POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE     200 E ROBINSON ST STE 900                ORLANDO, FL 32801                        POLITICAL COMMITTEE 

This list is far from complete, and I spent less than 5 minutes compiling it.  If you will notice, every donation listed above is a maximum donation and the total amount of donations in my initial search exceeds 10,000.  
I challenge all of the candidates and activists who have dedicated 2+ years focusing on development to use the same energy here.  If they do not, they should forever be dismissed.  

Is Flagler and Saint Johns Counties actually serious about overdevelopment or was it just a campaign tactic to influence low IQ voters?  Time will tell.