Saint Johns County Florida has long been considered a Republican stronghold. The bulk of the county leans heavily toward the Republican Party. As the wealthiest county in Florida, many also donate. In fact, until just a few weeks ago, the local GOP maintained a 6 figure balance in their bank account.

The local GOP has been chaotic to say the least. A chairman was removed, an acting chairman was placed, and a new chairman was illegitimately elected. Current chairman Denver Cook was not even a valid member of the committee when elected to chairman. Now a bigger story seems to be in play. Former acting chairman and current vice chairman Jamie Parham is facing removal from the party. As we previously reported, the motion for Parham’s removal was made by former state senate candidate Gerry James. What exactly did Parham do wrong? He blew the whistle on what appears to be financial crimes. Leading into the August Florida primary, the local GOP saw their bank balance go from over 100k in funds to less than $3,000. The membership has not seen the bank statements. At the last Executive Committee meeting, chairman Denver Cook claimed he was unable to open the file to show the membership.

In addition to Parham’s removal the chairman is also now attempting to hold a vote to remove Parham’s wife as well as local activist Sheila Sweeney. In fact, on Monday, September 16th at 8:48 PM Denver Cook sent out the meeting notice to GOP members notifying them of the vote.

Cook sent out an improper meeting notice, with his meeting scheduled to begin at 6:30PM. While only a matter of a few hours, a 10 day notice is required. 10 days is 240 hours and not 238 hours.

Cook’s actions appear to be against the wishes of even his own elected members. I received communication from State Committeeman Tom Rivers today questioning why Sweeney and Parham were going to be removed.

Sweeney is an old school volunteer hustler. She was even acknowledged as Volunteer of the month by the Trump campaign for her work organizing and manning phone banks during the Republican Primary.

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Reanna Parham’s only offense in Cook’s eyes is the man that she chose to marry. She attends meetings, votes her conscience, but has done nothing else that would be considered offensive to the party chairman besides be married to the current vice chairman Jamie Parham.

Multiple grievances have been filed with the Republican Party of Florida in regard to the targeting of perceived political enemies. The state party has chosen to take no action under Evan Power’s leadership.

I reached out to Power directly today at 2:51 P.M. to ask a few simple questions.

Power responded 5 minutes later requesting a verbal conversation.

The back and forth continued for over an hour with Power insisting on having a verbal conversation and refusing to issue a statement in writing.

Although Power insisted he was too busy to answer my questions, he did find time to respond to 4 of my emails within minutes. I can only conclude at this point that Power is either complicit in covering up inappropriate or is simply too narcissistic and apathetic to actually care what is happening within the Republican Party of Florida.

You might remember that Evan Power assumed the chairman’s position after Christian Ziegler was ousted for screwing an extra woman.

While screwing an extra woman is never acceptable, Power is actively screwing 10s of thousands of Republicans across the state.

I reached out directly to Denver Cook today to comment on the allegations of financial fraud as well as the improper meeting notice. You can view his reply below.

It is worth noting that Denver never said that fraud has not occurred. He merely stated that evidence has not been produced. He has also not allowed anyone to view the records. Denver also failed to state that he was not retaliating. He only stated that whistle blower status did not apply.

Power has since issued a statement saying that Parham is not entitled to whistleblower protection and his removal will proceed.

Meanwhile, Evan Power continues to sit idly by without even requesting an investigation or research into this matter.